Birmingham Special Schools Co-operative Trust was formed in November 2018 and is a group of special schools that subscribe to the values of:

  • Trust;
  • Confidentiality;
  • Open and honest discussion;
  • An appreciation of how actions can impinge upon others;
  • A focus upon the working of the Trust as a collaborative rather than at individual school level

The aim of the Trust is to:

  • Advance the education of the learners of the schools;
  • Advance the education of other members of the community; and
  • Otherwise benefit the community.

Our schools

Birmingham Special Schools’ Co-operative Trust currently consists of 6 local authority maintained special schools and a partner special academy. The Headteachers of the Trust meet together each half term to ensure effective collaboration.

Hamilton School Hamilton School

Longwill School Home | longwill

The Pines School The Pines (thepinesspecialschool.com)

Partner academy:

Wilson Stuart School Wilson Stuart School – A Special Academy

Our Partners

Our partners bring a range of expertise to the Trust and engage with schools in areas as such as training and research.

Our partners have representation on the Trust Board by means of one Trustee per partner.

The University of Birmingham – https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/index.aspx

University College, Birmingham – https://www.ucb.ac.uk/

Hays Education – https://www.hays.co.uk/

BSSCT is a member of the Co-operative Schools’ Network https://csnetwork.coop/

The Trust is managed at two levels – Board of Trustees, and Trust Development Group. The Board of Trustees includes the Head Teachers and a Governing Board member from each school and partner academy, plus a representative from each external partner, and any additional Trustees as elected.

The Trust Board meets termly and the Trust Development Group (of Headteachers) meets half termly. There are also subject network groups that meet termly or more often as required.

BSSCT employs a finance lead who ensures that governance and financial requirements are met in full and supports the admin support staff network across the schools. It also employs a Trust Improvement lead, whose role is to support strategic development, school to school improvements and training.