School Improvement


To remain true to our aim of ‘advancing the education of our learners’, all schools within the Trust commit to a programme of peer to peer reviews that involves Headteachers providing a day of external scrutiny in each other’s schools, facilitated by our Trust Development lead. This enables us to highlight and share strengths within our schools as well as supporting one another with developments.

SUBJECT REVIEWS LED by Subject Network Leaders

Following on from the success of Trust peer-peer reviews, an additional programme has been drawn up this year to provide schools in the Trust with subject-led reviews.  Clear paperwork and principles have been provided and leaders across all 3 of the subject networks have received training in how to carry out subject led reviews in each other’s schools.


These networks meet at least termly.  As well as developing subject reviews they lead on shared activities as well as developing their individual subjects across the Trust.  The chairs of the 3 networks now regularly meet together to ensure that the networks continue to develop their effectiveness in impacting on school improvement in all 7 schools.

The Trust has a collaborative portal as well as this website, on which Headteachers share strategic planning, calendars and resources to support one another. It is also where Headteachers contribute to the Trust Development plan and hold themselves accountable for progress towards our shared goals.